Bronwen WynEDWARDSDymuna Wyn a theulu Bronwen ddatgan eu diolch cywiraf am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad a charedigrwydd a ddangoswyd iddynt yn eu profedigaeth o golli un oedd mor annwyl iddynt. Diolch yn fawr am y rhoddion a dderbyniwyd tuag at Ymchwil Cancer er côf am Bronwen. Diolch hefyd i'r gofalwyr, nyrsus cymunedol a'r nyrsus lliniarol a fu'n ofalus ohoni yn ei salwch.
Wyn, and Bronwen's family wish to express their sincere thanks for the kindness, support and messages of sympathy they received following their sad loss and for the kind donations given towards Cancer Research in memory of Bronwen. Special thanks to the carers, district nurses and the palliative care nurses for their tender care during her illness.
Heol Dulyn, Tremadog,
Gwynedd. LL499RH
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